SLSA 2017
Join us on November 10th and 11th as we help out SLSA 2017.
The events are as follows:
Friday November 10, 2017, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Synthesis Responsive Environments / Time Out
Matthews Center iStage (MC 222)
We invite you to come to iStage atelier to immerse yourself in a rich media environment, talk with Synthesis’ researchers and artists, or just relax in our playful, poetic atmospheres.
(Synthesis:, Serra Montreal:, Experiential Atmospheres: )
Friday November 10, 2017, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
3G “Game Studies 1: Roundtable with Ian Bogost”
Ian Bogost (GaTech), Alenda Chang (UCSB, Edmond Y. Chang (Ohio), Heidi Coleman (Chicago), Patrick Jagoda (Chicago), Patrick LeMieux (UC Davis), Timothy Welsh (Loyola)
Friday November 10, 2017, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Synthesis Open Atelier: Serra Vegetal Life and Other Scenarios
Oana Suteu, Todd Ingalls, Sha Xin Wei + Synthesis researchers
Hosted artist-researchers working in open atelier at Synthesis, will be available to talk with visitors in the iStage. These include media artist and researcher Todd Ingalls, Montreal filmmaker and installation artist Oana Suteu, media artist and theorist Sha Xin Wei, and other experimentalists. The Synthesis atelier creates instruments for gesturally responsive time-based media, along with techniques for irreal play. We host streams of inquiry that course transversally across experimental arts, non-theatrical performance, and speculative engineering. Current streams include: vegetal life (Serra plant movement), experiential climate, irreal acoustic/lighting ecologies, multi-scale rhythmanalysis, and ontogenesis.
(Synthesis:, Serra Montreal:, Experiential Atmospheres: )
Saturday November 11, 2017, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Synthesis Responsive Environments / Time Out
Matthews Center iStage (MC 222)
We invite you to come to iStage atelier to immerse yourself in a rich media environment, talk with Synthesis’ researchers and artists, or just relax in our playful, poetic atmospheres.
(Synthesis:, Serra Montreal:, Experiential Atmospheres: )
Saturday November 11, 2017, 11:00am-12:30pm
8F “Beyond Plant Blindness: To See the Importance of Plants for a Sustainable World” Chair: Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir
Giovanni Aloi , Dawn Sanders , Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir, Mark Wilson
Saturday November 11, 2017, 2:00-3:30 PM
Responsive Environments Roundtable
Sha Xin Wei, Tom Lamarre, Todd Ingalls, Oana Khintirian, Stacey Moran, and guests
How can we “write” or “compose” in a responsive environment, a physical space thickened by media that co-articulates with unscripted activity? What speculative events can one create and what questions, propositions can be set in play?
(Synthesis:, Serra Montreal: , Experiential Atmospheres: )