

April 26, 2023

Navigating Indeterminacy & Experiential Experiment

Sha Xin Wei

Workshop at CrossLabs | Creativity Unleashed

Part 1, abstract:
After rapidly rehearsing some fundamental mathematical, conceptual, and methodological challenges to present day complexity science, we present possible alternatives for next-gen science of complex adaptive systems, drawing on Shannon, Wiener, Gill; Wittgenstein, James, Deleuze, Whitehead; Barad, Arendt; Stepney; Longo, Calude, Saari, Wolpert, Kauffman, and Montevil.

Part 2, abstract:
How to use computational media technologies as instruments to augment collective creative, enactive sensemaking by hybrid metabolic, social, and symbolic ensembles. Illustrated with examples from Synthesis and the Topological Media Lab.


CrossLabs Navigating Indeterminacy & Experiential Experiment from Synthesis Center on Vimeo.