

June 13, 2024

“Completeness”: From the dream of Laplace to the nightmare of Crick and the New Genomic Technologies

“Completeness”: From the dream of Laplace to the nightmare of Crick and the New Genomic Technologies. Reconquering the world and our open and playful animality / humanity.

Giuseppe Longo

13th June, 5:00-6:30 pm BST



GIUSEPPE LONGO is CNRS Research director at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris and a former Professor of Mathematical Logic and of Computer Science, University of Pisa. He spent three years in the USA (Berkeley, MIT, Carnegie Mellon) as researcher and Visiting Professor. Longo is founder and director (1990-2015) of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, a Cambridge University Press journal. He co-authored about 140 papers and five books, between mathematics, computing and biology. In particular, with A. Soto and D. Noble, the volume From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: new theoretical approaches, a special issue of Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 122, 1, 2016, and Le cauchemar de Prométhée, les sciences et leurs limites, PUF, 2023. GL’s current project develops an “epistemology of the new interfaces” focusing on the historical correlations and on alternatives to the new alliance between computational formalisms and the governance of man and nature by algorithms and by supposedly objective “optimality methods.”



Org. Cécile Malaspina, Directrice de programme, Collège international de philosophie, Paris, Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College London and UWE & Sha Xin Wei, Professor in the School of Arts, Media + Engineering (AME) at Arizona State University.  Seminar organised in partnership with Prof. Patrick ffrench, King’s College London, Dr Miguel Prado Casanova, University of the West of England and Prof. Francesco Tava, University of the West of England

Seminar Series Abstract

In An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies Steve Coutinho writes: “Interconnections build and shift as one develops familiarity with the verses, but the meaning never crystallises into a final form.” This seminar responds to the need to enlarge the concerns, vocabulary, and even the modes of articulation of philosophy, so as to address the transformative dynamics of the contemporary world. Because it imbricates local and planetary complexities, this work calls for greater openness towards philosophical legacies muted by the dominance of the Western tradition of philosophy, including alternative attitudes towards indeterminacy, as well as traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). We invite participants to bring plural, distinct personal and cultural genealogies of thought to bear on the theme of indeterminacy and play, as much to create a polyphonic family of generate interpretations of the theme as to showcase the richly disparate modes and concerns that animate these genealogies.

Recordings of previous CIPh Seminar sessions: